Years after my travels to Bhutan, I encountered Stephanie Waisler-Rubin the founder of The Unatti Foundation. Combining a trilateral approach to its mission, the Unatti Foundation provides opportunity for the underprivileged and underserved in Nepal. Their program focusing on Education, Self-Sufficiency, and Community Outreach address addresses poverty in children from multiple angles. Unatti operates a home for underprivileged children in the heart of Bhaktapur, caring for 18 girls, ages 3-17 years old, with the support of three housemothers. With the Unatti support and funding they attend the best English schools in the village and receive 24-hour care. The beautiful 100% Nepali wool hand felted bowls are created from the local sheep’s wool near the Unatti home. They are handcrafted by the Unatti girls and 100% of the profit goes right back into the Foundation to help support these children. They are $75.00 for a set of five and available on the Unatti Foundation website.